
David T. Bastien’s Publications:

Bastien, D. (1987) Common patterns of behavior and communication in mergers and acquisitions. Human Resource Management Journal. 26:1. 17-34

Bastien, D. & Hostager, T. (1988) Jazz as a process of organizational innovation. Communication Research. 15:5. 582-602.

Bastien, David T. (1992).  Change in organizational culture:The use of linguistic methods in a corporate acquisition. Management Communication Quarterly. 5:4.

Methods and instruments for this study are listed and abstracted in, Health and Psychosocial Instruments.

Manz, C., Bastien, D., & Hostager, T. (1992). A bicycle model of leadership in innovation. Human Resource Planning Journal. 14:4. 275-287.

Bastien, D. & Hostager, T. (1992). Cooperation as communicative accomplishment:A symbolic Interaction analysis of an improvised jazz concert. Communication Studies. 43:2. 92-104.

Elbadour, S, Bastien, D. & ten Benzel, R. (1993). Ecological integrated model of children of war:Individual and social psychology. The International Journal of Child Abuse & Neglect.

Bastien, D. (1994). A feedback loop model of post-acquisition performance: Customers and competitors. Management Communication Quarterly. 8:1. pp 46-69.

Bastien, D., McPhee, R., & Bolton, K. (1995). A study and extended theory of the structuration of climate. Communication Monographs. 62:2. pp. 1-23.

Bastien, David T. & Hostager, T. (1996). On cooperation: A replication of an experiment in jazz and cooperation. Comportamento Organizacional e Gestao. (a Portuguese Organizational Behavior journal)

Bastien, D., Hostager, T. & Miles, H. (1996). Corporate Judo: Exploiting the dark side of a competitor’s merger, acquisition, or downsizing. Journal of Management Inquiry. 5:3.

Bastien, D., Hostager, T. & Miles, H. (1997). Reply: Bullish on thoughtful criticism, bearish on Hitt and Serpa’s commentary. Journal of Management Inquiry. 6:1.

Elbedour, S. & Bastien, D. (1997). Identity formation in the shadow of conflict: Projective drawings by children in Gaza, the West Bank, and Israel. International Journal of Conflict Resolution.

Bastien, D. (1989). Communication, conflict, and learning in mergers and acquisitions. In A.H. Van de Ven, H. Angle, and M.S. Poole (eds). Research on the Management of Innovation. New York, NY: Harper & Row.

Manz, C., Bastien, D., Hostager, T., & Shapiro, G. (1989). Leadership and innovation:A longitudinal process view. In A.H. Van de Ven, H. Angle, and M.S. Poole. (eds). Research on the Management of Innovation. New York, NY: Harper & Row.

Bastien, D. & Hostager, T. (1991). Jazz as a social process and structure. In Reginald T. Buckner and Stephen Weiland (eds). Jazz in Mind. Detroit MI: Wayne State University Press.

Bastien, D. & Hostager, T. (1993). Generating and analyzing processual data:The Social Act. In, Norman Denzin (ed) Studies in Symbolic Interaction:1993 Annual. V. 17. Greenwich CT:JAI Press

Bastien, D. (1993). Review of Laurence Barton’s Crisis in Organizations. Management Communication Quarterly.

Bastien, D. (1996). “Matching Methodological Liabilities to Extend Couch’s Theory of Coordinated Action.” In, Norman K. Denzin (ed.), Studies in Symbolic Interaction:1995 Annual. V. 19. Greenwich CT:JAI Press.

Hostager, T., Bastien, D. & Miles, H. (1997). Corporate Judo and restructuring. In, L Groarke (ed.), Ethics and Restructuring. Waterloo Ontario, Canada:Wilfred Lautier University Press.

Bastien, D. & Hostager, T. (2001). Jazz as a process of organizational innovation. (reprinted from Communication Research, 1988). In, K. Kamoche, M. Pina e Cunha, & J, da Cunha (eds.), Organizational Improvisation. New York, NY: Harper & Row.

Bastien, D. & Hostager, T. (2002). Customer and competitor response to resizing. In, M. Marks & K. DeMeusse (eds.), Resizing the Organization. New York:Harper & Row.

Bastien, D., Hostager, T. & Miles, H. (1996). “Making the most of a competitor’s merger.” Potentials in Marketing. May, 1996

Bastien, D., Hostager, T. & Miles, H. (1996). “More room for rivals:Community banks are prospering because of large banks acquisitions.” City Business. March 8, 1996.

Miles, H., Bastien, D. & Hostager, T. (1996).”Mastering Jujistu Banking.” Independent Banker. May, 1996.

Articles by others about DT Bastien’s research:

Staff. (1986). Corporate marriages do differ. Centerline:News and Notes from the Research Centers. University of Minnesota. September, 1986. 1-2.

Benda, Chuck. (1987). Conquering companies. Minnesota:University of Minnesota Alumni Association. September/October, 1987. 16-21.

Thompson, Keith. (1988) Musicians provide key to business merger success. Minnesota Daily. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. October 18, 1988. 1, 9.

Fuller, Jim. (1988). How you can hit a hot lick in business. Minneapolis Sunday Tribune. Minneapolis, Minnesota. 1E, 4-5E.

Fitzpatrick, Cathy (1991). Rumor mill keeps working overtime. Milwaukee Sentinel. October 16, 1D, 2D; October 17, 1D, 4D.

Beal, Dave (1995). Quell that urge to merge. St. Paul Pioneer Press. 1D. November 19.

Jones, Del (1996). Corporate Judo:Downsizing may give rivals leverage. Tactic could discourage downsizing. USA Today, April 8, 1996. 1-2D

Youngblood, Dick (1996). Corporate Judo. Minneapolis Star Tribune. June 8, 1996. 2-D.

Elmstrom, Dave (1997). Should your company merge? Twin Cities Business Monthly. 4:6 (February). p. 60.

Article titles (and my name as author) used in advertising promotions for the Journal of Management Inquiry.

Cited and quoted in at least 45 articles in refereed social science and management journals, including: Communication Monographs, Administrative Science Quarterly, Human Relations, Organizational Studies, the Academy of Management Journal, the Academy of Management Review, the Journal of Applied Social Psychology, the Journal of the American Society of Information Science, Small Group Research, Organizational Dynamics, Strategic Management Journal, Symbolic Interaction, Human Resource Management Journal, Communication Research, Human Resources, the Journal of Management, Organizational Science, and the Journal of Management Studies.

Cited and quoted extensively in at least 8 books on the management of mergers & acquisitions, 1 book on human transitions. Cited and quoted in at least 10 chapters in anthologies on organizational change and business strategy. Cited and quoted in 6 chapters in an anthology on organizational improvisation.

Frequently guest on network and local radio (PBS, APR, KNOW FM) and network and local TV (CNN/FNN, ) as an expert on mergers & acquisitions and downsizing.